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Trusted by 1500 clients and 500+ returning customers

Authtentic Reborn Dolls Direct from the Artiste

All of my reborn dolls are painted with many layers of GHSP and then set with a few layers of matte finish to secure their paint and prevent from fading/chipping/and shine.

We have high quality reborns

We sell only authentic handmade reborns

Safe Delivery

We deliver to wherever place you are as far as it adds up to the cities we can deliver to


All our reborn dolls were made with authentic and high quality materials

Long Lasting

We guarantee you a reborn whose paint or color does not fade with time. 

Authentic & Handmade Reborn Dolls For You

What our Customers say

All our reborn dolls were made with authentic and high quality materials.

Buy from us today.